1. See all your friend’s pictures in a tiles format
Login into Facebook and in your facebook sidebar click on the my friends link you will see a drop down box next to show, now hover or rollover your mouse and then click on one of the dashed lines (–). You will see a page full of al the profile pictures of all your facebook friends. The profile photos will be shown in a tiled format. It really looks cool try it.
2. Appear Offline To Selected Friends
Appear Offline to those who are pestering you. Simply, open FB Chat and click Friend’s list, then Create a new list with whatever name you want and include all those people you don’t want to chat with in that list. Now you can appear offline to them by moving the green slider to offline whenever you come online.
3. Facebook Pirate Language
This is my favorite Facebook tip and if you are a fan of “Pirate Movies” it will become yours too. Instead of seeing “Share with friends” you can see “Blabber t’ yer mates” and other pirate words/phrases. Basically, to make Facebook communicate with you in old Pirate Language, Simple go to your Current Language Settings (located at the bottom of the page) and click the language as English (Pirate).
4. Hide Your Online Status From Selected Friends:
So you want to use Facebook chat but don’t want some people to see your online status? Simply open up the Facebook Chat and click on Friends List. Start creating a new list called BlockList.
Once the list is created, add those friends to the list that you want to appear offline to. When the list is complete, hover your mouse to the little green icon adjacent to the list and click Go Offline. Bingo! You will now appear offline to everybody in the BlockList.
5. View a Friend’s Profile Without Messy Applications:
If you are like me, you often get annoyed by the dozens of silly applications that people have added to their profile. Here’s a Grease Monkey script that allows you to view any profile without all those applications. Remember: the Mozilla Firefox web browser is a prerequisite for running Greasemonkey.
6. Give wooden look to facebook
This greasemonkey javascript will give your facebook pages an antiquated and wooden look. So, don’t just get stick to old boring design, keep trying out new ones. Facebook wooden look
7. Automatic Facebook login
Aren’t you fed up of keep on logging into facebook everytime you want to check new messages. This cool greasemonkey javascript will keep you logged into facebook as long as the password is stored in your firefox web browser.Automatic facebook login
8. Download Videos From Facebook
There are so many times that you see these awesome videos on Facebook and just wish you could download them to your computer. Well to do this first you must copy the video’s link and then go to
9. How To Download Facebook Photo Albums:
Ever felt the need to download complete photo albums from Facebook. You can easily do it with either a Windows desktop application named FotoBounce or a great Firefox add-on FacePad.
10. Automatically Poke Friends That Poke You:
Don’t have enough time to poke back friends who poke you on Facebook? Automate it with a Grease Monkey script called Facebook Autopoke.
11. Display Your Facebook Status Upside Down:
This is a cool and fun trick. To display upside down status updates, simply head over to FlipText and type in your status. Then simply click on Flip Text and copy-paste the upside down text into your Facebook status box.
12. How To Insert Cool Symbols In Your Status Updates:
Make your status updates interesting by inserting cool symbols. Simply copying them from this list and pasting in your status updates.
13. New look to face book
Use face book skins to make attractive your profile. Try link from here.